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The backslash ( \ ) is a typographic and/or keyboard mark that is widely used in programming languages and other computing contexts.
The backslash \ is a mark used mainly in computing and mathematics. It is the mirror image of the common slash /. It is a relatively recent mark, ...
Backslash definition: a short oblique stroke (\), a backward slash, used in some computer operating systems to mark the division between a directory and a ...
A short diagonal line (\): a character commonly found on computer keyboards. Webster's New World. The punctuation mark \.
the symbol \ used for separating words or numbers in the names of computer files: Type in the letter followed by a colon and a backslash. The menu is ...
The meaning of BACKSLASH is a mark \ used especially in computer programming.
www.fmworld.net からの\
2023/09/06 · 全角で入力する場合. 記号の「バックスラッシュ」を全角で入力する手順は、次のとおりです。 操作手順 お使いの環境によっては、表示される画面が異なり ...
(dated) An emoticon representing banzai; long live. (sarcastic) An emoticon representing hopelessness and despair. FML. .